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Florida Workers' Compensation Attorneys

We are experienced workers’ compensation lawyers who help people find the right lawyer for their situation. If you would like our help please contact us at (800) 807-9530. We have created a nation wide network of tough attorneys who fight for their clients and get results and know the best Florida work injury attorneys for your case. Call us for a free consultation and a referral to an attorney who only gets paid if they make a recovery for you.

In Florida, the Division of Workers’ Compensation handles work injury cases. These are not lawsuits, but rather claims against your employer’s insurance company. Generally, all injuries that arise out of and in the course of your employment are covered. This includes everything from sudden injuries like a slip and fall to repetitive trauma cases like a torn rotator cuff from excessive lifting.

In Florida, you are covered regardless of who was at fault for your injury. Mainly, you have to show that your injuries arose out of and in the course of your employment. In other words, if you got hurt while doing something work related and during work hours, you are typically covered. Injuries resulting from a mistake – you weren’t paying attention and you got hurt – are generally covered.

After reporting a workplace accident, your employer, or the workers’ compensation insurance company, will send you to a doctor. As long as you see an authorized physician, there are no out-of-pocket expenses for treatment that is reasonable and related to your job injury.  Once your doctor tells you that you are at Maximum Medical Improvement (meaning you’re as good as you’re going to get), you may be given a permanent impairment rating and entitled to a settlement.

If you would like our help please contact us any time for free.

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